- Well done to the Tories
- Covid Policy in 500 Words
- The EU headscarf ruling, or how to undercut your own argument.
- How Great Would This Be?
- A Jet-Lagged R4
- Idée Fixe
- My Rejected Submission for "Thought for the Day"
- A Sense of Proportion
- My missed career as a theologian.
- Big increase in the price of paper ahead.
- Never as planned
- Wat de mens gescheiden heeft
- Found on an old hard drive
- Any sufficiently advanced technology
- "For A Successful Life"
- Awash with rage
- Watch, anyone?
- Stand Up for What You Believe in, or Maybe Not
- Convert Now, Before You Change Your Mind
- That Time of Year
- Group Smarts
- The Final Copernican Revolution
- The Long March
- Dalton's Beetle
- No problem
Awash with rage
Few sights horrify me more than an array of dirty cups and glasses half filled with water. That was the first thing that greeted me as I returned from a business trip yesterday. The second was a phone call from the nice old lady next door who takes care of the plants when I travel, which concluded “and I’ve set your washing up to soak. Honestly dear, you can be such a bachelor when your wife is out.”
“Thank you, that is very kind of you” I chirped as the red fog rose over my eyes.
People, please. An empty coffee cup will wash fine even if you let it stand for a week. Filling it with water simply dissolves the residue and neatly deposits it at the water line, leaving a dark brown ring that takes ages with a scouring pad to remove. If you must soak the washing up, fill the wash basin and make sure that everything is fully submerged.
Friday 28 October 2011